Wednesday, November 17

My Missionary Position

My next thought for a new character is to have a religious one.  Nothing like politics and religion to polarize people, which isn't what I want to do.  Still, they are both areas to play with.  So I am  playing with having a Christian missionary staying for awhile.

He would be from a Church that doesn't exist specifically, but he would embody some common Christian attitudes.  So where's the comic in this?  Good question! 

Probably, not 'haw, haw' humor, but perhaps 'heh, heh' humor.  I just want to show a different slice of the human experience.  Like the Ivan, the artist, or Ennis, the inventor, everyone brings their perspective to the table, so to speak.

He will be neat and well dressed, and a man with a mission, ... I mean, important job to do.  And although he may occasionally have some doubts, he will never be negative!

However, in order to balance things out, and in the interest of fair play, I may have to introduce a satanic devil-worshiper missionary. He would have to dress bizarrely and always be negative.  But then I seem to have met too many of those people in the past.  Oh, if you're one of those people, please don't write any nasty comments.  Thanks.

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