Thursday, April 28

Buffalo Phil And The Mighty Jeep

I'm now in Colorado Springs, with my girlfriend, who is attending a business conference. So with my spare time, I signed on with a small group to go on a little day trip around the area.

Our driver and guide was 'Buffalo' Phil. You can tell the difference between a faux cowboy and a real one, not by the boots and the hat, nor the vest and jean jacket, but by the bandana. Evidently, nice guys wear bandanas.

'Buffalo' Phil said he shot President Reagan, then explained he had been a photo-journalist for a local paper. You see, humor is still much a part of the old west.

Our mighty Jeep was capable of roughly 50 mph maximum speed, so on the interstate going up to the Air Force Academy, we were passed on all sides by motorists enjoying our flapping side curtains, and our possible discomfort in the unexpected snow squall that had broken out suddenly. Or perhaps they were just enjoying Phil's spiffy bandana.

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